ON stage, many of East Lancashire's amateur dramatics groups wow audiences with their polished performances. In a new Curtainraiser series, JENNY SCOTT joins the Oswaldtwistle Players on casting night for their new comedy to learn about the hard graft that goes on in the weeks before opening night. . .

WITH a director known as Hitler and a casting night with too many men and not enough women, you might think the initial signs for Oswaldtwistle Players' latest production were not encouraging.

But gradually, as increasing numbers of hopeful actresses began to filter through the doors of the town's James Street Club last Monday, where the casting took place, the evening settled into something far more promising.

First-time director Lesley Jackson was delighted with the turn-out and instantly took control of the meeting, doling out the parts and listening attentively to the hopefuls.

"My husband's parting shot was, 'God help them!'" she laughed. "His nickname for me is Hitler, so they might not ask me back!"

Most of the 15 people who had turned out to try for parts had acted with Lesley before, however, and knew what to expect.

And the play - a Lancashire comedy called Night On The Tiles, by Frank Vickery - seemed to suit the talents of many of the actors.

"It's a story about a Lancashire family with the action taking place in a backyard," explained Lesley. "The story revolves around two brothers who fall out over this girl because she's pregnant and they don't know which of them is the father.

"I'm actually looking forward to directing it.

"I chose it because it's a very funny play and I enjoy playing comedy parts myself."

For those actors who didn't make it through to the final cast, Lesley was hoping they might like to get involved backstage.

"There's a lot goes on behind the scenes before a play can be staged," she explained. "And there'll be plenty of other things people can help with - like costumes and scenery."

Overall, though, Lesley was delighted the enthusiastic turn-out meant there was real competition for the parts. There's enough people to cast it twice. It's lovely to see so many people here," she said.

Night On The Tiles will be staged at the Oswaldtwistle Civic Theatre in October.

Stage whispers

PENDLE Opera's next production will be Bizet's The Pearl Fishers.

Auditions for principal roles will be held at Brierfield Methodist Church on Thursday, September 8. The group would welcome new members of all voice parts.

Audition pieces are available from Sylvia Foster on (01282) 772941.

The Pearl Fishers will be performed at Burnley Mechanics on three nights only - Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 17, 18 and 19.

Anyone interested in joining Pendle Opera can contact Cathleen Foster on (01282) 439667.

MYSTERY surrounds the title of Blackburn Drama Club's fourth play for next season.

But while the title and subject may not be known, talented actors are already being sought to take part in the production.

A reading to cast the new play will be on Tuesday August 3 at 7.30pm in the BDC rehearsal room at the Capita Performing Arts building next to The Thwaites Empire.

ANOTHER group seeking talented actors and actresses - albeit in the 10 - 17 year age group - is Brunshaw Action Group which is looking to cast for its production The King And I. Auditions will be held on August 8 at Brunshaw Youth Centre, Morse Street, Burnley between 2pm and 5pm.

For further information please telephone 07984 145141.

REVIDGE Drama Group is having a playreading tonight for their latest comedy at 7.30pm in the lounge at Revidge Fold United Reformed Church, Shear Brow, Blackburn. Anyone interested in acting or helping with the staging, contact (01254) 54020 for further information.