CONFUSION over council tax payment in Padiham could soon be resolved if talks between the town council and a senior borough councillor go ahead.

Padiham Town Council is requesting a meeting with Peter Kenyon, Burnley Council's portfolio holder for best value and resources, to explore the possibility of reopening the former Calico-run payment offices.

Clerk of the council Elizabeth Bolton told a meeting of the town council that she had to turn away 27 people wanting to pay nearly £5,000 in taxes in the days after the closure.

The borough council is to hold surgeries giving residents information on the various payment methods including swipecards.

But Hargrove ward councillor John Kenyon said: "I have talked to people in my ward about swipecards. A lot of them are elderly and want to come in and pay their money and get a receipt."

Sharon Wilkinson, borough councillor for Hapton with Park said: "The closing down of the payment office is another nail in the coffin of Padiham."

Mayor Mark Jinkinson added: "It would be marvellous if the borough council could find a way to put someone in the office."

Coun Peter Kenyon said: "I was told an official request was made by Padiham Town Council and I am happy to meet them."

A spokesman for Calico said the offices closed because of falling visitor numbers and so services could be accessed under one roof.