FIRSTLY I ask where are the post office local union leaders and members in defending the post office closures and the sackings of post office staff? Silent?

Isn't our council leader a post office union official? Does he sit back and watch people (his members) thrown on the scrap heap without a public word?

Is he scared of upsetting the post office management regime?

Where are the other union leaders and members that sit back and watch the elderly fight the council tax issues alone?

Are they too busy grabbing overtime to pay excessive debts (credit cards, loans, car hire purchase, etc.) so that they let the elderly fight for justice? It sure seems so.

The unions have become nothing more than bankers' puppets.

They are agents for the financial market and happy to take commissions for selling credit cards and loans to members.

They no longer fight for the working classes and indeed are owned and run by the financial brokers themselves.

Weren't the unions created to protect workers from the pitfalls of debt amongst other things, like fighting injustices against the working classes by bad employers?

Take a look at the recent decline in this town over 20 years or so. Factories shutting etc.

The unions have done nothing but blame anti-union laws for their failure to do anything about it. In my opinion it is more a case of "I'm all right Jack" and too many cowardly members that has led to the problems.

We also have a Labour government, so where's the fight to get rid of the anti-union laws then?

It appears to me that, for whatever reason, the unions have deserted the working classes preferring to sell them credit than defend rights or improve working conditions.

The truth is the money men have taken control of the unions.

If this were not true we would not see our elderly having to fight our battles for us like the council tax situation nor would grown men do nothing whilst their colleagues were sacked like in the post office situation either.

So next time you look at your union card, brothers and sisters, try to remember who is actually running it and what they try to sell you.

Is it good working conditions and a life of security or a credit card, insurance or a loan?

Never mine 'eh lads and lasses? The OAPs can fight your battles for you and who cares about a few post offices anyway?

EDWIN M BIBBY, Rossendale Road, Burnley.