SINCE March 19 I have visited Radcliffe Cemetery every day and am appalled at the number of people who use the grounds as a "dog park".

I know that some people take their dogs there in cars, then let them loose, throwing toys and balls for them to retrieve. It is not a pleasant task to have to remove dog dirt from a loved one's resting place.

I have spoken to the dog wardens but have never seen any of them at the cemetery. I have also spoken to local councillors who assure me that they have contacted the parks and cemetery officer, but he says there is not a lot he can do about the problem. He has ordered notices to be put up but I am still waiting to see them.

We have spent a lot of money on the grave, a headstone and flowers, and it is upsetting to see large paw prints in the soil each time we visit.

I would like someone in authority to have a look at the state of the cemetery roads and the deep pot holes.

PAUL DALTON, Radcliffe.