A BLACKBURN youngster chosen to represent Britain in a global gaming competition is jetting off to the States this weekend.

Eight year-old Nathan Howorth, of Peel Mount, Knuzden, is the UK's entry for the World Beyblade Champions to be held in New York.

Beyblades are modern day spinning toys which smash into each other. The last one standing is the winner.

The game has been Britain's top-selling toy for two years and a spin-off cartoon series has been produced.

Nathan and dad Philip, mum Alison and 11-year-old sister, Emily, will fly to New York on Saturday for the two-day competition on August 16 and 17 before returning home on Friday.

Nathan triumphed after months of training at the UK Beyblade championships when thousands were knocked out after five heats across the country.

If he wins, Nathan will become the first Briton to be crowned world champion after the ultimate showdown in Times Square.