I FEEL that I must take up Councillor O'Keeffe's remarks concerning being a magistrate.

His claims of being a magistrate tend to give the impression that they are on the same conditions as a councillor. This is quite wrong.

As a former magistrate I remember having to attend Lancaster University, Preston Polytechnic, Chorley College and other places, always on a Saturday without expenses.

Petrol was allowed but if there was more than one person to a car only one allowance would be allowed.

Whilst on the bench I ran a small business and the times that I had to go back to work at night to make up for my absence was uncountable, let alone the money I lost in wages.

There are still many who are in this position, the nights of training at various places have thankfully gone and been replaced by another system.

But no, Councillor O'Keeffe, the two were not the same.

JOHN DICKINSON, Cherry Lea, Blackburn.