I READ with interest the report regarding plans by the Hurstwood Group to redevelop the former Kearns dyeing mill, into houses and apartments.

Whilst I appreciate some of the concerns raised by some villagers, perhaps it would help to place some of the more wildly inaccurate views into perspective.

I live in a row of cottages immediately adjacent to the mill and I and my neighbours will be the people most affected, not only by demolition and redevelopment, but by the influx of new neighbours.

I welcome the redevelopment, having lived for 25 years in the shadow of the dyeworks with the smells, dirt and noise associated with industry.

For the past 15 years, much of the mill had been empty and falling into dereliction and decay, and despite attempts by the owners to rent out the vacant buildings, they had been unsuccessful due to the fact that the architecture of the mill is unsuitable for modern requirements.

When I attended the Hurstwood display I was struck by the large proportion of so-called "outsiders" who have been warmly welcomed into our village and who have been persuaded to move here by the better quality of life on offer.

Sadly, the people who are most strongly opposed to the development are these very same people, a clear case of "nimbyism".

Unfortunately, house prices in Cowpe are already significantly higher than other parts of Rossendale as a direct result of this influx of new blood, and as such the village has already been priced out of the reach of many first time buyers from Rossendale.

The only viable use for this site is residential, industry would see a return of all the associated problems that we have endured previously and in order to provide the facilities required by modern industry would almost certainly see the traditional mill buildings replaced by the hideous tin sheds to be found on every industrial park up and down the country.

Conversion to a tourist attraction would generate far greater volumes of traffic than the proposed housing development.

I trust that the above gives the alternative view to the one already reported.

ROBIN SHARPLES, Moor View, Cowpe Village.