A 25-year-old voluntary patient at Queen's Park Hospital psychiatric unit who walked out after a row with staff was later found walking the streets armed with an array of knives, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that police were called by a concerned friend of Lee Moran.

And when they arrested him, Moran had four steak knives, a craft knife and a pen knife in his possession.

Lee Samuel Moran, of Levens Grove, Darwen, pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon. He was made subject to a community rehabilitation order for 18 months.

Claire Fanning, prosecuting, said that after walking out of hospital Moran had gone to his own home and collected the knives before going to a friend's house.

"The friend was very concerned about the behaviour he was exhibiting and called the police," said Miss Fanning.

Alfred Rebello, defending, said Moran had been in custody for six weeks since his arrest.

He said his client had been a voluntary patient at Queens Park Hospital and on the day he left had been very worked up.

"He went home and collected the knives but when the police arrived he had calmed down and was actually making his way home," said Mr Rebello.

"He has served the equivalent of a three month sentence and he is obviously someone who needs help and assistance."