A HALLOWE'EN ball ended in violence when the Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School sixth-former who had organised the event hit a guest over the head with a bottle.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Richard Hayes thought the other teenager, also a QEGS pupil, had been making advances towards his girlfriend during the event at the De Tabley, Ribchester last year.

Hayes, aged 17 at the time, followed the boy to the toilets and on the way hit him from behind with the bottle. There was a second blow to the head but this was not with the bottle.

Hayes, 18, of Church Street, Barrowford, pleaded guilty to assaulting Gareth Jones causing actual bodily harm.

He was ordered to do 140 hours community punishment and pay £150 compensation and £350 costs.

Philippa White, prosecuting, said Hayes and Mr Jones had consumed alcohol on the night. As a result of the blow with the bottle Mr Jones suffered a one inch cut to his head. Alison Whalley, defending, said Hayes thought Mr Jones had been making advances to his girlfriend and he accepted that he had followed him towards the end of the evening.

Miss Whalley said Hayes forgot the bottle was in his hand at the time he hit the victim.

She submitted a reference from QEGS headmaster Dr Hempsall and Hayes' sixth form tutor, Margaret Foxley who described Hayes as a polite, mature and helpful student.