The Government has recently announced that those seeking British Citizenship will have to show that they have a sufficient knowledge of the English Language before Citizenship is granted to them.

Currently in the UK as from the 28th July 2004 all applications for naturalisation as a British Citizen will have to show that they have sufficient knowledge of English. This can be done in one of two ways:

By providing a certificate that shows they have obtained an ESOL Skills for Life entry - qualification approved by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority or;

Providing a certificate from a "designated person" showing they have sufficient knowledge of English.

This rule will not apply to those who are under 18 i.e. minors or to those who qualify for registration as a British Citizen as compared to those who are applying for naturalisation. There is also a further exemption on the grounds of age or physical or mental condition.

It is however the case the Government has rushed this legislation through in view of the fact to date who is a designated person has not been clarified. Details are currently awaited and what this means is that applications are having to be held whilst the Government decides what to do.

It has also been stated that those who are able to afford the language lessons will be expected to pay but for those presumably on benefits the courses will be free.

The general view from the Government is they are trying to secure "borders". I say this from the fact further provision concerning Ministers of Religion are to be brought in from September 2004.

Those Ministers of Religion coming to the UK from September 2004 will have to pass an English test which the Home Office have described as having to have "a basic" grasp of English.

And this is hot off the press:

Designated person for the time being has been defined as a teacher who has to meet certain criteria. Further Members of Parliament, local councillors, Justice of the Peace and other persons of similar standing - the latter has not been defined.

There is a certificate that will need to be completed by the designated person.

Any legal queries call me on 01254 672222.