I AM a pupil of Queen's Park Technology College and I think the teachers shouldn't need to re-apply for their jobs.

Ye,s we do need a new building and maybe a new name for the school but the teachers are doing nothing wrong. If they do what they're saying they will do it's not going to change anything. It might even make it worse.

If they are going to make teachers re-apply they should at least give them until the end of the school year.

They are mainly closing the school because of the last year 11s GCSE results. But all of those pupils have left.

All this is making it harder for the present Year 9 and 11s because they've both got tests coming up. The Year 9 Sat are in May and so are the GCSEs.

When the school re-opens it will only give us a month to revise and for the new teachers to get used to us. I don't think that will happen.

DANNY STAFFORD, Ailsa Road, Blackburn.