I HAD to smile when I read Shuiab Khan's column 'Slimming devices? I can't weigh them up!; (LET, October 8).

How right he was regarding the situation accepted by my own generation in the 1960s (not quite 50 years ago Shuiab - but almost!)

As a young mum for the first time and living at the top of Shear Brow with no other convenient mode of transport except the buses, I along with several others would push prams, complete with babies and shopping, up Shear Brow from the town centre several times a week.

This provided all the exercise we needed and burned up the calories!

If the 'challenge' of Shear Brow was too much to contemplate, then Corporation Park provided a kinder and very pleasant walk to the top (although slightly longer), with a welcome stop by the park lake to fed the ducks.

Slimming devices? Gymnasiums? Who needed 'em?

PATRICIA STONES (Mrs), Portland Road, Langho, Blackburn.