A TRAFFIC blackspot will go under the spotlight at next week's Radcliffe Area Board.

Residents have been consulted on the provisional plans for a road safety initiative near Radcliffe Riverside School.

And the results will be reported back at Tuesday's meeting of residents and the area board committee.

Bury Council was invited by the Department for Transport (DfT) in November, 2002, to bid for funds to target problems in more disadvantaged areas where there have been a high number of accidents involving children.

The council put together a bid with a number of suggestions that could improve safety on the road from the front of Radcliffe Riverside School, in Abden Street, to the canal and Water Street.

The scheme has received £200,000 from the DfT for the work, and now provisional plans for the area have been drawn up.

Residents living near to the site were then consulted in September and the results have been collected over the past month.

The initial plans included the closure of Buckley Street, one-way traffic and speed cushions on various roads, designated cycle routes and pedestrian crossing points.

A total of 115 residents responded to the exercise, with 75 per cent in support of the scheme, 23 per cent against, and two per cent failing to form an opinion.

The results will be discussed at the meeting on Tuesday (Oct 19) at Radcliffe Civic Suite, starting at 7pm.