FARES FAIR: Taxi operators in Bury applied to increased hire charges claiming that the present fare structure was not realistic.

LOLLIPOP FEAST: Despite increases in the cost of school meals, 'lollipop' patrols who manned crossing points at lunchtime in Bury continued to be offered free meals.

HEN-TRUDER: Housewife Elaine Bodlovic found plenty to squawk about when she opened her front door expecting to find milk and six eggs, and found a hen instead.

Henrietta promptly walked into the Manchester Road house and found a comfortable spot in a bedroom. However, the RSPCA took the "hen-truder" into custody until her rightful owner could be traced.

BAN THE FRONT: Bury Council was asked to ban National Front meetings. The request came from the TUC who campaigned against a Hyde National Front demonstration. It was eventually banned. All Greater Manchester councils had been asked not to allow the organisation to meet at civic halls or open spaces under their control.