VICTIMS of burglary living in Ramsbottom and Tottington are being targeted in a police operation to stop them falling victim a second time.

Statistics show that houses burgled once are more likely to be targeted again within a short period time.

Now, following the success of similar initiatives in Bury East and Prestwich, Operation Appenzell is being launched to stop homes from being burgled twice.

Inspector Steve Clark, head of Ramsbottom and Tottington police, said: "If a burglar steals a television from a house, he gets a second hand television. But he knows that if he goes back in a month, he is likely to be able to steal a replacement TV. We want to reduce the potential for that to happen."

The police operation will involve trained police community support officers (PCSOs) visiting homes of people who have been burgled and offering practical crime prevention advice.

"Where there is a specific need, they will even arrange for the work to be carried out. In addition to visiting the home of the person who has been burgled, the PCSOs, who will be in uniform and carry identification, will also visit the homes of the immediate neighbours, as their needs will be likely to be similar," said Insp Clarke.

He revealed burglaries in the area were down 38 per cent, with 54 being committed between April 1 and September of this year compared with 73 in the same period last year.

"Coupled with the fact that more burglars are being arrested than even before, I am confident that we can make further inroads," concluded Insp Clark.