A TEENAGER who helped catch an armed thief today told of the moment the desperate crook lunged at him with a knife.

Awais Pervaz , 15, of Fairfield Drive, Burnley, spoke after a Crown Court judge praised his bravery.

Awais was working in his uncle's Super Discount Shop, Briercliffe Road, when the man came in on April 11 this year and stole two pouches of tobacco, Burnley Crown court was told.

The Habergham High School pupil gave chase to a house in Brennand Street and the man, ex-convict Raymond Clark swung at him with the weapon.

Police were alerted and caught up with Clark in Rawson Street.

Awais was praised for being "exceedingly brave" by Judge Andrew Gilbart QC.

Judge Gilbart said the admiration and commendation of the court should be passed onto the schoolboy, adding: "This young man did not give up even though he was threatened with a knife."

Awais said: "At first I didn't see the knife and the next thing I know he's pulled it out and swung for me.

"My parents said afterwards it was wrong to run out after someone with a knife. I wouldn't like to go through that again."

The youngster's heroic pursuit started after Clark went into the shop and asked for two pouches of tobacco. He started to walk out without paying and Awais went to stop him.

Awais said: "I was getting a football out the window and my cousin was working on the till.

"She shouted 'stop' and I went after him. He started shuffling about and said he'd got a knife. I moved out the way, I was a bit shocked and then I ran out after him.

"We went up Brennand Street and then Bracewell Street and he took the knife out and swung for me. I was scared. I moved away and he carried on running and I followed him up to his house."

The judge, speaking at Burnley Crown Court, also publicly thanked a shopper, Martin Hartley, who followed Awais, for his public spiritedness in supporting the teenager after the theft from the shop.

Clark, 49, who was then living at the house in Brennand Street and is now lodging at Caldervale Guest House, Holme Road, Burnley, was convicted of possessing an offensive weapon.

He was found guilty after a jury trial even though he denied the allegation.

Clark, who has a long criminal record, was remanded in custody for a pre-sentence report and to await his fate at Preston Crown Court on November 5.

Refusing bail, Judge Gilbart said the defendant had committed a series of offences over the last 18 months.

Roderick Priestley, defending, told the court Clark's partner had died four years ago. He said there were potential alternatives to jail as there had been changes in the defendant's life.

Mr Priestley added Clark had had a chaotic lifestyle and had been living on the streets but he now had a stable address.