I HAVE become a victim of NCP's parking policy for the second time.

The first time I was fined was at Castle Leisure Centre for being three minutes late!

The second time was on September 25 when I again parked at the leisure centre to take my daughter swimming. On my return -- well within the expiry limit -- I had been fined for parking in a "permit holder" area. On entering, there was a small sign which was barely visible because of heavy rain.

However, I was not the only driver that day to receive a fine from this company. The two motorists next to me also failed to see the sign. Why was the area not clearly segregated if it was a "permit holder" area?

I have paid my find and lodged an appeal but do not anticipate a reply. Come voting day I will oppose this council and urge others to do so.

When will these scandalous injustices cease?


Tottington Road, Bury.