PARRENTHORN'S head girl led the way at the school's annual awards assembly.

Emily Ward (16) managed to scoop four trophies while a total of 32 pupils were awarded prizes for their achievements in academic success and effort over the last year.

Emily was awarded prizes in french, history, food technology and for consistent effort and performance in sport.

THE hard work and dedication of Parrenthorn High School's pupils has been recognised at their annual awards ceremony.

Chairman of governors at the Heywood Road school, Coun Wilf Davison, performed the honours at an afternoon assembly and congratulated each prize winner as they received their trophies.

In addition to the success of head girl Emily Ward a further 120 pupils were nominated for subject and effort certificates and prizes.

Headteacher Mr Mick Fitzgerald said: "I'd like to pay tribute to more than 140 pupils who will be awarded certificates and inscribed books.

"We are proud to celebrate the success of each individual pupil and we always make the recognition of every achievement a top priority."