A WHITEFIELD primary school is to become the third Children's Centre in the borough.

Councillors have chosen Ribble Drive CP School to be the base for the £1 million project.

It will be the hub of integrated care and education for young children, health services, family support and a base for childminders, with links to training and job centres.

The Government wants children in the 20 per cent most deprived wards in the country to have these centres. Bury Council has received funding for three -- the other two are in Bury: the Sure Start Programme in Redvales ward and Hoyle Early Excellence Centre.

The centres aim to help youngsters in their personal, social and emotional development; reduce the number of mothers who smoke in pregnancy; boost young children's language and literacy; and cut the number of children living in households where no-one is working.

Ribble Drive was chosen from three schools who expressed formal interest: the others were Mersey Drive CP School and Whitefield CP School. Members say the school is well located to cater for children and families in the ward, and has a strong commitment to the concept.

Bury has been given a capital grant of £874,665 to build the centre, and there should be a further £383,445 in annual running costs.

The decision was made by councillors at Wednesday's (Oct 13) executive.