COLNE is a town on the up, according to councillors.

A new bar is to open in part of the Royal Mail sorting offices and Pendle members hailed it as a sign the night-time economy is booming.

The Colne and District area committee gave XLCR Vehicle Management permission for the scheme, which will take up a half of the Albert Road building.

Coun David Robertson said: "I think the one thing Colne has going for it is a vibrant nightlife that has grown in the last 10 years.

"We are unlikely to get a department store in Colne but we are a small town with a burgeoning restaurant business and I am happy with this application and hope to see it successful."

Some councillors expressed concern about loutish drunken behaviour on weekends but were told the bar's clientele would be people popping in for a drink before or after a meal at one of the nearby restaurants.