COULD the annoying ring of mobile phones in the cinema or theatre be a thing of the past?

The French government is to allow blocking devices to be used to stop mobile phones receiving calls and so end a major annoyance for many.

And now UK cinema and theatre owners are asking for the same measures to be allowed in their buildings.

But it may prove a difficult as legislation bans the interference of any radio device by another system. In the meantime we may have to put up with the person next to us fumbling in their pockets for their phone as it drowns out a key moment in a film.

SEARCHING for items on the internet has just got personal with the news that Google has launched an application that searches your computer.

Smaller companies have released similar products that index your hard drive and then are able to search it within seconds.

But Google is the main player in the increasingly competitive business and their new service ( looks set to stir up the opposition. Their software tool searches email, documents and spreadsheets found on your PC.

IF you want a peek into the world of cars then the Jalopnik website ( offers you the inside track on fast cars, antique motors and the up-and-coming stars of the road. There is loads of news on cars that are soon to appear as well as crazy-styled cars from the past. And as it is a US-based website you are sure to spot some motors you have not seen before.