A POPULAR Darwen club has closed after undercover police discovered "anti-social" activities on the premises.

Officers who visited the Central Club, in Church Street, during the past month said they found the rules of the licence were not being followed. Now the licensee has agreed to give up his licence until the problem is sorted out.

Although the police would not reveal the kind of activities taking place, they said they caused them "significant concern".

Sgt Ian Hanson, from Darwen Police, said: "A representative of the management committee was spoken to at Darwen Police Station. He was presented with certain evidence we gained and although no direct blame is being attached to the licensee, he has agreed that it is not appropriate for the club to remain open in its current form.

"There will be a period where the premises will remain shut when the licensee is going to look at getting his house back in order and hopefully there will be a fresh application for a licence later in the year. That will be looked at on its own merits.

"We carried out the operation in response to concerns from members of the public. The licensee accepted responsibility for the situation that prevailed and agreed to shut as an alternative to proceedings before the courts.

"There have been no criminal charges and there are no prosecutions pending in relation to this, and he has given me his undertaking that he will put things right and will be excluding certain people."

No-one was available at the club for comment but a sign in the window read: "This club will be closed for a short period. An opening date will be announced."

The premises became the private Darwen Central Club around ten years ago after the Central Conservative Club folded. The Conservative Club had been on the site since before the First World War.