THE Cart and Horses, Astley, team took on the cream of the country's quiz champions in front of the nation on Tuesday.

They starred on the BBC afternoon programme "Eggheads" but no-one looking in would have realised they were locals. It was announced the team made up of landlord Malcolm Hilton, Dave Foy, John Potter, Alan Cooper and Brian Robinson were from Manchester.

Their challenge was to topple the brainboxes from their perch and collect the £6,000 rollover prize, but sadly they were given a bit of a pasting.

Malcolm plumped to take on know-all Daphne Fowler at geography and went out, John challenged CJ on art and books and lost out on the last question, Alan faced Kevin Ashman on his favourite subject, history, and took him to a sudden death play off, then Dave met first Millionaire millionaire Judith Keppel on her worst subject sport - and also went out on a sudden death failure.

The final general knowledge round left Brian alone to face the superbrains. He put on a great show and had them wobbling, but as usual they won through.

I find the show most infuriating, but admire the pub team for giving it a go.