I WRITE regarding the ongoing furore about the so-called "Motorway middle lane hogging".

I say that providing you do not drive below the legal maximum speed limit (70mph) I see nothing wrong in continuing in the middle lane.

I think that constantly changing from one lane to another is far more dangerous than proceeding at a steady 70 in the middle lane.

I also think that all three lanes should be occupied all the time anyway.

Any driver who is "frustrated" by a vehicle in the middle lane should be free to pass in the outside lane.

Much is made about the "rule" in the Highway Code, which states, "Keep well to the left, except when overtaking."

Surely this was written long before motorways were built and therefore applies only to A or B roads where you are likely to meet other vehicles coming towards you from the opposite direction.

Regarding the "rule" in the Highway Code I have heard it said that rules were made for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.

RONALD HODGSON, Stephen Street, Mill Hill, Blackburn.