ONE of Pendle's new 'super schools' could be built on playing fields in Brierfield.

Bent Head playing fields are being considered as the site for the secondary school, which will replace Mansfield and Edge End high schools as part of Lancashire's £170 million Building Schools for the Future scheme.

Pendle borough councillors have been asked to discuss the plans with Lancashire County Council and come up with a 'mutually advantageous package' for new sports facilities.

All secondary schools in Burnley and three secondary schools in Pendle will be replaced in the scheme's first phase.

Lancashire County Council's cabinet member for education Alan Whittaker said: "A consultation period has been taking place over the past six months and later in October I will look at a list of issues, including the siting of new schools. Bent Head playing fields has been discussed by elected members and officers at Pendle Council.

"The interest is because of its location, midway between Mansfield High and Edge End."

Building Schools for the Future is a Government initiative to create modern school buildings during the next 15 years. Lancashire has been selected as one of 14 local education authorities to take part in the first wave of rebuilding, which will begin in 2005 to 2006.

In a report to councillors, Pendle Council's director of services John Kirk said football clubs will need to be catered for while new fields are found for them to use.

He wrote: "The proposal may have advantages to councils and improve recreational facilities in Brierfield and the southern parts of Nelson."

Members of Pendle Council's decision-making executive committee will discuss the scheme when they meet on October 21.