READING C Taylor's letter (LET, October 16) it appears that shopping with and caring for young children is now some kind of a hardship akin to disability.

Well from someone who has brought up children, one of whom was deaf, helped with grandchildren and now is disabled, I know which I prefer.

Oh yes, walking out with my children was a thrill. People stopped and chatted, friendships were made and rather than a burden our children were a joy.

Hard work, yes, because we had to walk or catch a bus to travel but never ever the burden C Taylor finds them. (A baby, an infant and the week's shopping in one pram to push up some steep hills).

Being disabled, fighting for every breath, not able to move without severe pain, perhaps with a degenerative illness which has only one outcome, or a heart likely to stop for good without warning -- none of these are fun things.

They are a burden that each disabled person bears usually in silence, perhaps with 25-30 pills and potions to take just to keep going and cherishing each new day they see.

Having to care for a disabled spouse or child, now that is real hard work -- unnoticed, unpaid and allowing the fit to get on with their lives.

As to disabled parking, it is there to enable. Nine out of 10 not being disabled (C Taylor's view) is because spaces set aside for disabled are used improperly by mothers with babies, those who use other people's blue badge, and the lazy. Sadly the greedy and selfish society of the Thatcher years has not left us. Compassion, empathy and a little humanity would be better.

My advice to C Taylor is please, please enjoy your children, do not be afraid of having to walk a bit, if you need help ask at the store. Most will be pleased to convey your shopping to your car and load it for you.

But please stop picking on the disabled because for certain, old-age and infirmity will arrive with you quicker than you want and disability knows no favourites.

GRAHAM A CARTER, Kingsway, Lower Darwen.