RADCLIFFE Swimming Club's Luke Van Bentum has joined an elite band who have been awarded a 100 mile "swimfit"certificate.

To receive the award, eight-year-old Luke had to complete 100 miles in training at Radcliffe Baths, which he did it in just over a year

Not only is he the first member of the club's junior squad to reach this milestone, he is also one of the youngest.

Luke has represented the club in the Central Lancashire League and in Mini Water Polo matches.

He recently swam in the Radcliffe District Scouts Gala, representing Wesley 7/17th Cubs.

He won all his races and helped his team to win the Overall Cubs trophy, the Scouts' trophy and the overall combined trophy.

Besides swimming, Luke also plays hockey for Bolton Hockey Club and takes part in cross-country training at Wesley Methodist Primary School.

The Amateur Swimming Associations "Swimfit" scheme was introduced as an incentive and also a way of monitoring the progress of the junior squad swimmers.