TRADERS on Darwen's three-day market have urged those in charge of plans to alter the town centre to "show their faces" instead of hiding behind lots of questionnaires.

Two consultations have been carried out to allow residents to put their views on proposals for the regeneration of the town centre -- including the possibility of the bus station being moved from The Circus to Wellington Fold and the three-day market being relocated.

Now the proposals will be looked at again and traders are urging decision-makers to make themselves known.

Brenda Cronshaw, of Brenda's Collectables stall, said: "We've got about 2,000 people handing in questionnaires to us on the market but many more were coming to us and saying we don't know who we need to get in touch with. We need to know who is on these boards."

Councillor Andy Kay, chairman of Darwen Town Centre Partnership, said: "The Town Centre Partnership will ensure that all businesses including the market traders will have an opportunity to input into any of the ideas for the regeneration of the town centre.

"The partnership has 20 members and is made up of representatives from the business, community and public sectors as well as two local residents and three youth members.

"The business community has four representatives who are Eileen Guy from the markets, John Brown and Andrew McAllister from the Town Centre Association and John Jacklin from the Darwen Employers' Forum."