WE at Help the Aged were concerned to read in your recent report that bogus callers have been targeting older people in Darwen and would like to offer some advice to your older readers on how to ensure they do not become a victim. When dealing with an unexpected visitor, Help the Aged urges older people to follow the simple Lock, Stop, Chain, Check, doorstep safety advice.

Firstly make sure all outer doors are locked.

Then stop and think -- are you expecting anybody?

Always put the door chain on and look out of the window or spy hole to see who is calling before opening the door.

Then ensure that you check their identification -- do not be afraid to phone the company or organisation the caller says they are from to check their validity (obtaining the number from a separate source, rather than taking it from the proffered ID card).

To provide support in these situations, Help the Aged has a number of SeniorLink units which it can offer to older people in the Darwen area who meet our criteria. At the press of a button, the client is immediately connected to the SeniorLink response centre, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year to answer any need, whether it is support at the door, to call the police or emergency assistance, reassurance or a chat. A small weekly charge for monitoring and maintenance (£1.50) applies for all unit holders.

If anyone is interested in finding out more or applying for SeniorLink, may I invite them to call 01255 473 999 for an application pack.

LYSA RALPH, National SeniorSafety Manager, Help the Aged, Pentonville Road, London.