THE decision to reject the proposal for two huge wind turbines at Uglow Farm, Edgworth, should be applauded.

Congratulations to the local residents who have fought their campaign for over a year and to the council for listening to them.

Throughout the country, the Labour government has seriously increased the pressure on councils to approve decisions, by using the powers in the PPS22 planning regulations to over ride local objections to renewable energy planning applications.

I sincerely hope that this unfair planning law is not used to overturn this particular decision.

The government's headlong rush into supporting windfarm proposals by offering large subsidies to those wishing to build and run them is deeply worrying. So too are the PPS22 planning proposals.

The huge turbines at Edgworth would have been an environmental eyesore and hugely inefficient.

I do not believe that our communities should be forced to accommodate them when local people express such strong opposition. Let us hope this remains the case for Edgworth.

NIGEL ADAMS, Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Rossendale and Darwen.