I HAVE been watching a story rumble on over the past several weeks and found that I simply could not help but comment.

It is the story about the alleged 'rat run' outside the town hall/market hall in Accrington centre.

Why is it that this bit of road is 'dangerous' when cars use it but not apparently when buses use it?

I fear that the anti-car brigade and 'Disgusted of Accrington' strike again.

The fact is that the only thing that is dangerous about this road is that it is a bus lane and pedestrians think that they have the right of way on it.

The most sensible and probably cheapest solution would be to open it up again to all vehicles, once again allowing the free flow of traffic through the heart of Accrington.

Maybe placing a pedestrian crossing on it, like there was before, would help pedestrians who need assistance to cross the road.

MICHAEL RAWDENT, Whalley Road, Accrington.