TWO pupils have been suspended from an Accrington high school as part of a crackdown on firework troublemakers.

The youngsters, who let off a firework in the grounds of Moorhead County High School, Cromwell Avenue, during school hours, were also put on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs).

The contract states that they agree not to buy fireworks, be in possession or discharge them in any public place, or discharge them in a private place, unless under the supervision of parents and only on Bonfire Night.

An application for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order could be made against them if the contract is breached.

The boys were sent home for two days following the incident before the half-term holiday.

Headteacher Andrew Bateman said: "We spoke to both the pupils' parents and the pupils in question will return to school following the half-term break tomorrow.

"This was an isolated incident and was dealt with immediately. We let the police know what had happened as they have been investigating other fireworks incidents in the area entirely unrelated to the school.

"We had already circulated information to all the pupils about firework safety. The safety of our pupils and staff remains paramount at all times."

Sgt Bob Eaton, who is in charge of Accrington police's fireworks campaign, which was launched at the beginning of October, said: "These were a couple of otherwise decent children, from decent homes, who did something daft in the heat of the moment.

"They have been dealt with properly by the school and we have also put them on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts to ensure that it is not repeated."

Sgt Eaton said this year's crackdown on the misuse of fireworks in Accrington had so far proved to be successful.