MOST parents love their children and understand that hitting them not only causes physical and emotional pain but is upsetting for all concerned.

They know that forms of discipline which reward good behaviour, rather than punishing the bad, are more effective, safer and promote better relationships at home.

Legally, parents who hit and beat their children can defend themselves by pleading a defence of 'reasonable chastisement'.

This archaic law, which gives children less protection from assault than adults, has no place in modern society.

Children are physically weaker, more vulnerable and utterly dependent on their carers.

The law needs to make it clear that is as unacceptable to hit a child as it is to hit an adult.

As the Children Bill passes through Parliament, I believe that MPs should take the opportunity to consign the legal defence of 'reasonable chastisement' to the history books. Let us all put a stop to hitting children. Full stop.

J C QUINN (Mr), Elgar Close, Blackburn.