PLANS to transfer Hyndburn's 3,500 council homes to a housing association have moved a step closer after the borough council signed an agreement to work with Contour Homes on the proposals.

A ballot of tenants still has to take place, but if they vote for the transfer their homes will be owned and managed by Contour.

The council and company have now signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA), which outlines how they will work together to decide what improvements will be carried out to the homes and how the not-for-profit housing organisation will manage them.

Ken Bury, head of Hyndburn Homes, said: "The JVA covers areas like tenant participation, employment and housing services. We and Contour are very keen to work in partnership on the housing transfer plan and I am pleased that we have been able to sign-up to this approach."

Roger Phillips, group managing director of Contour said: "Signing up to this agreement is proof of our commitment to ensure Hyndburn tenants will get the improved homes and services they deserve, if transfer goes ahead."

A shadow management board for the proposed new landlord which includes six Hyndburn tenants, four councillors and five independent experts. The board will take on the running of homes if transfer goes ahead, from a base in Hyndburn.

Tenants across Hyndburn are expected to be balloted next spring, and if a 'yes' vote is received, the housing stock could be transferred as early as next Christmas.