I WOULD suggest that Mrs Ainsworth joins the real world.

Vandalism, be it minor or major, has been going on for years now and a lot of us have suffered to some degree, mainly from drunks, mindless youths with irresponsible parents etc.

Does she not recall the dreadful desecration of Whitehall Park in August last year and far greater damage caused to property and cars on the same evening?

The culprits were never found and how do we know if the same mindless idiots aren't responsible again?

I find it deeply offensive that it should be considered that opponents of her proposed home for boys would stoop to employing tactics of that sort.

On the whole we are a law-abiding area and would use the proper channels to show our opposition to the application.

Do not class us with the idiots who have done this.

What seems to have been overlooked is that the property on one side had a window damaged before the attack on Mrs Ainsworth's, which goes to prove we already have enough to contend with, without more coming in.

Name and address supplied.