RESIDENTS have mobilised to protect Burnley's "jewel in the crown" which they claim is under threat from the plans to revamp secondary schools in the area.

The Towneley for the People campaign group have discussed Lancashire County Council's proposal to site the replacement for Towneley School on the playing fields within Towneley as part of the Building Schools for the Future programme.

Ian Galbraith, secretary of Towneley for the People, said: "The group decided that putting such a large building within the open area of Towneley presents a great threat to the much-loved parkland area.

"Towneley Hall with its surrounding open area is often referred to as the jewel in the crown of Burnley.

"It brings the open countryside almost to the heart of the town."

Towneley for the People is a group which has fought against any developments that threaten to spoil the area.

The last major campaign it co-ordinated was in 1993 when a proposal to site a golf driving range in view of Towneley Hall was defeated.

The group have written to Lancashire County Council, who are behind the £170million schools revamp.

They are trying try to find out the exact proposed location for the new school and to see if there will be consultation with the people of Burnley.

A petition which supports the need for new schools for Burnley but protests against the plans to spoil Towneley has been started.

Anyone who would like to assist in collecting signatures on the petition may receive copies of the petition by emailing: towneleyforthepeople or telephoning Ian Galbraith on 01282 416947.