DIM the lights, pass the popcorn and roll the trailers because Wigan International Film festival is almost upon us!

The festival begans on Wednesday with a schedule so jam-packed that you'll need a holiday to recover from it!

On the first day alone you can be treated to films from local students, a workshop on recording sound, schools animation workshops, a launch party and an exclusive screening.

The rest of the festival follows in the same busy vein.

Festival organiser Claire Duffy from Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust is looking forward to bringing new films to the boroughs community.

She said: "I think that a film festival is a wonderful opportunity for local people to see films that they normally wouldnt have access to.

"But more than that, with the workshops and masterclasses as well, we can make it an informative event for anyone interested in film making."

Highlights include a Wigan Casino film night, a free screening of Brit horror smash 28 Days Later and a showcase of the cream of North West talent.

A full round up of the festival events can be found at www.wlct.org/filmfest