A TAXI firm worker who attacked two would-be customers with a pool cue on New Year's Day was today awaiting sentence.

A jury found Sheraz Bhatti, 23, guilty of two counts of assault causing actual bodily harm after a three-day trial at Burnley Crown Court.

The defendant, of Ivy Street, Burnley, who denied the charges, was bailed for a pre-sentence report by Judge Stuart Baker. He will learn his fate at Preston Crown Court on December 1.

The jury was told the defendant set about Gary Donnelly and David Hirst at Ronnie's Taxis, Burnley.

Bhatti had told the pair and their friends they did not deserve a taxi after a driver was kept waiting - and smashed the cue over Mr Donnelly's head, cutting his eyebrow.

Mr Hirst went to see what was going on and was hit over the head with the cue.

And the court heard an independent witness sitting in the office waiting for a cab saw the bloodied victims stagger from the premises.

The police were called and both men received hospital treatment.

Mr Hirst had suffered a 3cm wound to his scalp.