A NATIONAL TV appeal for help to solve a Carnforth bank raid has given police several new lines of enquiry.

The brutal heist, which saw armed robbers raid the town's Barclays Bank branch in August, was reconstructed on BBC 1's Crimewatch programme last week.

And Det Insp Neil Esseen of Lancashire police says there are now several new lines of enquiry following the show.

"The appeal has given us several lines to lead on from," he says.

"There were possible sightings of the vehicle involved that we need to identify and potential names for the offenders."

Four armed men broke into the Market Street bank on the morning of August 3 by throwing a beer barrel at a window. The gang assaulted the bank manager and threatened staff and members of the public with a gun during the 15-minute raid.

They then made off in a blue Alpha Romeo which was later found abandoned.

Det Insp Esseen says: "Bank staff were subject to a terrifying ordeal involving firearms and members of the public passing by also had a gun pointed at them. It was a terrifying experience."

To help police, call the incident room at Lancashire police on 01524-596941.