RESIDENTS living near two Great Harwood pubs have written to the council objecting to applications for public entertainment licences for the venues.

People living near the Park Hotel, in Harwood Lane, and the Weavers Arms, in Crossgates, are opposed to the licences being granted fearing a noise nuisance.

Hyndburn Council has received five letters of objection to the application from the Park Hotel, which is for Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 11pm, and two to the one from the Weavers Arms, which is for Monday to Saturday, noon to 11pm, and Sunday, noon to 10.30pm.

One letter from pensioners living near the Park Hotel says: "The music blasts out and we can hear it even with our double-glazed windows closed. A further extension of this will only add to our discomfort."

And a letter from Mrs Bridges, who lives near the Weavers Arms, states that she already has problems with the level of the music coming from the pub.

She said: "At present, every Friday and Saturday, my eight-year-old grandson has difficulty getting to sleep until at least 11.30pm."

Both applications will be discussed by the council's judicial committee on Monday.