HYNDBURN Council today revealed plans to transform Accrington's main shopping street.

In designs seen publicly for the first time in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, Broadway will undergo a £250,000 facelift, with the street being resurfaced and new "furniture" brought in.

Discussions have also taken place which could see an outdoor cafe and a purpose-built space is to be left to attract specialist markets like the Pot Fair back to the town.

Action has been called for to replace the uneven flags and vandalised benches which currently plague the area.

The draft design ideas are now to be discussed at a meeting of the Town Centre Regeneration Board, to be held tonight at Scaitcliffe House.

Coun Peter Britcliffe, leader of the council, said: "It will be very much a plain, simple but nice scheme, something aesthetically pleasing that would enhance Broadway but equally something we will be able to add to.

"As part of the future we are leaving space so we can bring things like the recent Pot Fair and the European markets we are hoping to build up."

The final design for the street will be dependant on the council's finances, but it is expected to cost about a quarter of a million pounds.

The authority will also be hoping to get cash from grants and from sponsorship deals. So far interest has been expressed by Accrington Rotary Club.

So far draft plans have been produced, which are due to be shown to the general public tonight, from 6pm.

Originally council bosses were hoping to start a nationwide design competition searching for an architect who could come up with a unique design.

But the plan was stopped at the last minute in favour of a simpler design. Now once the final drawings are completed, the work is expected to start in early 2005.