RESIDENTS in Astley are petitioning to save land at The Ley from development.

They are protesting against council plans to change the use of part of the land from a playing field to a Surestart play garden and car park.

Wigan Metro's Leisure and Culture Trust is also seeking permission to erect an appropriate building on the site, but one resident, who does not wish to be named, claimed residents feared the changes would devalue their homes.

She said: "We have lived here for 27 years and have had an open aspect. Now our views will be blocked with an eyesore of a building with fencing around. They are planning to put trees round but no way should one be planted just two metres from my wall.

"All the people here and in Princes Avenue are worried about the plan and no one has refused to sign the petition on which I have already collected over 60 names. The land has been used as football pitches, it is not as though it has been lying derelict. It is quite well looked after and people fear once one part of it is used for building the rest could well be.

"Although we realise that this type of development is needed this is the wrong area.

"When we first moved here there was a toilet block which was vandalised and pulled down, then a changing room was put there for football players and that too was vandalised. We dont want that again.

Objections to the plan must be sent to the council planners by November 17.