TRAFFIC calming measures at a notorious accident blackspot came under the spotlight this week.

Ribble Valley councillors had the chance to quiz the county council on future measures to be installed at Devil's Elbow on the A671, near Whalley.

Re-opened in September after eight weeks of bridge strengthening and road resurfacing works, the road on either side of the sharp bend is currently restricted to a 20mph speed limit, with temporary traffic lights.

This is now expected to remain in place until December 10, due to additional bridge strengthening now being carried out.

Council leader John Hill, speaking at this week's community committee meeting, quizzed Lancashire County Council's area surveyor Dennis Wright on speed restrictions when the road opens fully.

He said: "In Read and Simonstone we are interested about what will happen to traffic calming measures when it is all finished.

"We have been promised a 40mph speed limit for five years -- is that going to happen? Also, we want to know if the 20mph limit on the bend itself could be retained."

Mr Wright told the meeting: "There is no chance the 20mph limit could remain after the roadworks were finished. That is simply in place to protect the workmen there.

"The limits being put in place will complement the work being done at Devil's Elbow. The 40mph speed limit will come into place, but the traffic regulation orders will perhaps not be ready until after Christmas."