WEEK after week, newspaper after newspaper, Labour councillor after Labour councillor seem to be having a say on Cllr Peter Franzen or the Community Action Party in general.

Why spend so much valuable time following the C.A.P's every move?

You seem to be missing the most important fact - Cllr Franzen and the C.A.P. did not get in power by a lucky dip or tombola stall. We, the voters, elected them, because Cllr Franzen (and the C.A.P.) not only listen and care, but actually act and deliver.

The last local election leaflet through our door for Golborne/Lowton was promoted by ex-Cllr Tom Sherratt. But why? We kicked him out in order for Cllr Franzen to be our "leader".

Labour did nothing for our town in all the years they were in power. Cllr Peter Franzen and C.A.P. are going from strength to strength. We, the voters, know it, those at the town hall know it. So spend your, or should I say our, money wisely, because there is not much more for you, as you are being replaced by C.A.P. It may be slow but it is a 100% sure cast-iron guarantee. We in the surrounding areas and borough of Wigan are looking forward to a Wigan town hall run by Cllr Franzen and C.A.P.