POLICE have made an appeal for witnesses to come forward after a violent attack on a young woman in Lancaster city centre.

The 21-year-old was walking along St Leonards Gate at around 2.20am on Tuesday when she was attacked by a handbag thief.

She had left a friend's house and was close to the junction with Bulk Road when a man ran up to her and tried to grab her handbag.

The woman managed to hold on to the bag and fought back - but in the ensuing struggle was kicked and received bruises.

The offender, who is described as a white male around five-foot 10 inches tall in his late-20s, ran away empty-handed after the struggle.

He is described as of thin build and 'very scrawny' with dark brown short hair and wearing a blue shell-type top with white piping on the sleeves and dark trousers.

DC Ciara Campbell, of Lancaster CID, has now warned women to be vigilant around the city centre and says: "Fortunately this sort of attack is rare in Lancaster but when it happens it is very distressing. This woman was just making her way home and has been left frightened and shaken by the incident.

"She bravely fought back when this man tried to take her bag and we really want anyone who saw the incident or recognises the description to contact us as soon as possible.

"I would also urge anyone who leaves a club in the early hours, or who has been out, to take a taxi home or to make sure there is a group of people walking.

"Prevention is always better - and that prevents this sort of thing."

Anyone with information to help police is asked to 01524-63333 or contact the Crimestoppers hotline on 0800-555111.