THE first school cycling path in Wigan borough has been a great success in easing rush hour congestion.

Pupils at Lowton St Luke's CE Primary put the new route to good use when it was officially opened just before the end of term.

Two years ago the school moved to solve difficulties in getting to school by devising a travel plan.

Staff, parents, governors, residents and the council were consulted and as a result a working group was formed.

The cycle path idea evolved and this has taken two years from conception to completion.

The result is a tarmac path, which runs down the side of the school field through a gate near St Catherine's school and through the adjoining housing estate.

Cycle stands have been provided with a grant obtained from the Department of Transport and the older children have completed a safer cycling course organised by the council's road safety unit.

A school spokesman said: "It has been brilliant and has definitely helped to ease the problems."