TODDLERS in Atherton took part in a graduation leavers party to mark the closure of an Atherton nursery.

ABC Nursery closed its doors for the final time after being in business for 17 years.

The closure of the nursery based at the Independent Methodist Church, Mealhouse Lane, has been blamed on a drop in the number of children attending the nursery.

But staff were determined to finish on a high and invited past and present people who attended the nursery to the party -- where tots wearing mortar boards took part in the graduation ceremony.

ABC co-owner Julie Hewitt, said: "It was an absolutely heartbreaking decision we made when we decided to call it a day. We just don't have enough children to keeping going. We could only offer half day childcare and because of the number of private nurseries open we just could not compete.

"The leavers party was an emotional day. We had some 21-year-olds who first came to the nursery when we opened attend, which was nice. The children had a great time."