AN ATHERTON mum is appealing to people to adopt neglected war graves.

Pauline Wright, of Second Avenue, who recently lost her son, has become a frequent visitor to Tyldesley Cemetery and has discovered 33 of them, many sadly neglected.

As the time comes to remember the fallen from past wars Pauline tells me she and her daughter have each adopted one of the abandoned memorials, cleaning the stone and placing flowers there.

She suggests that we as a community should be looking after these graves in tribute to the men and women who died for us. School and youth groups could each adopt one and care for it, and this in itself could teach the youth of today to respect the graves.

Perhaps in many cases the families of those lying below the earth have moved away or died out, so it is not always possible for them to be tended, but then Im sure any surviving family members wouldnt object.

Pauline says her own grandfather is in a war grave, but thankfully in a war cemetery in Netley, where it is well kept. How much better it would be knowing our local victims graves are not forgotten when the heroes who lost their lives are remembered on November 14.

What a brilliant idea and a lovely thought from someone who has been bereaved. I hope the idea is taken up.