TWO tearaway brothers banned from parts of the Brunshaw estate in Burnley are being named and shamed by a housing association.

Calico has printed and distributed hundreds of leaflets about Anthony James Waddington, 19, and Daniel Karl Waddington, 17, who have both been given Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.

The orders ban them from using threatening or abusive language or behaviour, damaging property, drinking alcohol in public, intimidating anyone who gave evidence against them, or being violent. If they do, they could go to prison.

The housing association hopes the leaflets will get people to look out for the teenagers and report them to the police if they break the terms of their orders.

Staff also wanted to show residents that reporting nuisance behaviour does get results.

Alan Tyrrell from Calico said: "We want these yobbos to behave - if they did there wouldn't be a need for all this.

"If anyone sees them in the exclusion area, they should tell us. The people who see things most are the ones who live there and suffer anti-social behaviour."

Calico had the ban imposed after the brothers made neighbours lives a misery with abusive and threatening behaviour, foul language, assaults on members of the public, harassment of Calico's staff, damage to property, drunkenness and throwing missiles.

The association has a complaints system and an anti-social behaviour team, but it needs residents to come forward and give evidence against people spoiling the area.

Mr Tyrrell said: "People who complain about people kicking balls against garages, or throwing mud at windows, or swearing, are put into our complaints system and then put in front of our anti-social behaviour team.

"We need the community to stand together and we hope these leaflets will make people aware of what we have achieved for, and with, them."

The orders against Anthony and Daniel Waddington expire on November 1, 2007.