YOUR correspondent S. Forsyth (November 5) writes-off our democracy because of what he/she sees as the faults of our Labour government.

That Government, however, is still accountable to the electorate, something which an unelected class of rulers such as the knights and lords - whose 'disappearance' was regretted by your BNP correspondent whom I answered - are not.

I accept we must be careful about which powers are exercised at European Union level, but we are a part of 'Brussels', not a powerless subject of it.

As to S. Forsyths claim of blatant discrimination against this countrys natives and its historic culture leading to the pro-BNP flow, I am doing my best to guess what he/she means. One thing we do know, because they have said it clearly, is that the British National Party would like to remove from this country those people, native or otherwise, whose skins are too dark a shade to jump through their prejudiced hoop.


Wood Grove,Whitefield.